
By: Christina Linn, Jonathan Pan & Daisy Torres

Media Representation of Men and Women in Technology

Men and women have continually been represented very differently when it comes to science and technology. Men are typically represented as being computer experts and also seen as being highly regarded in technological fields whereas women are typically represented as the users of technology. There have been other applications of technology that have been used to represent women in an unflattering fashion with the use of software programs such as Photoshop that is used to alter photos to an unreasonable degree. Certain occupations such as information technology and graphic design have seen slight improvements in the number of women being represented, but in information technology the numbers continue to be low. Women may see areas of occupation such as information technology to not be as interesting due to men being more accustomed to being regarded as computer experts. Men and women use technology in different ways though women tend to not be seen as computer experts or experts in any other areas of technology. The representations of men and women in applications of technology and many other areas of technology are, for the time being, very different but in time there may be a shift in the media’s perception of female positions in technology. 

           There is one facet of the media in which people have the opportunity to see how men and women are represented in certain areas. In one particular study done on how men and women were portrayed using technology in television commercials there were some signs of progress while other areas had not changed significantly. According to the study, “Masculinity and technology are conceived of as being symbolically intertwined, such that technical competence has come to constitute an integral part of masculine gender identity,…” (White et al.). The use of computers and other applications of technology are represented as being masculine due to many applications of technology being used by men. Another possibility is that men are seen as having the ability to build and construct which can easily be applied to computers. A source from the mid-1980s suggested that, “…visuals of men in magazine advertisements outnumbered those of women by two to one. Women in the advertisements were underrepresented in roles as managers, experts, and repair technicians, and over-represented as salespeople, clerical workers, and sex objects” (White et al.). Even back in the mid-1980s there was still evidence of negative portrayals of women being advertised in magazines. It seems that only until now that men and women may only be starting to acquire equal representation in the media. There may still be pre-conceived notions among the advertisers behind the magazines that depict women in subordinate roles whereas men are depicted in authoritative and managerial roles. Men and women were also depicted in different roles with the authors stating, “…boys were depicted as learners, game players, repair technicians, and buyers, while girls’ only identifiable role was as learner” (White et al.). There appear to be more roles for boys to identify with whereas girls do not have more than one identifiable role. This might make girls feel as if they are not capable of anything more than being represented as a learner of computers versus men being represented as capable of knowing about computers and other applications of technology. 


Women and men both use many different applications of technology and are both represented as having the ability to use computers, but women continue to be left out of the advertising for computers. Authors White and Kinnick of the article, “One Click Forward, and Two Clicks Back, state that, “Despite evidence that women are purchasing computers in growing numbers and using desktop computers more than men (Kaplan, 1994), advertising campaigns have been slow to aggressively target female consumers” (White et al.). Even though women are using computers just as men are, the advertising campaigns continue to view technological applications such as computers as male-oriented objects. Because men are seen as computer experts, if women begin to be represented as being knowledgeable about computers that men might not want to associate with the computers that are being advertised or that the computers are not going to be viewed as a “cool” product to have. White and Kinnick cite a survey from the New York Times that explained the reason as to why women are not equally represented in technology ads. According to the New York Times survey there were, “53 percent of female computer users said advertising for computer-related products did not appeal to them because it was aimed at men” (White et al.). The reason that women are represented as not being knowledgeable about technology or as interested in computers is because advertising for technological applications like computers are advertised in a way that men view many things due to the fact that men are more visual and technical than women. Mentioning parts of the computer such as the amount of RAM or the amount of space in the hard drive are what men usually care about when it comes to purchasing a computer. Women may be concerned with the idea of whether the computer is right for them. Men have many role models in the technological fields to look up to whereas women do not. White and Kinnick cite a source from another author by stating that due to lack of role models in the media when it comes to technology, women and young girls do not have a clear set of role models (White et al.). In advertisements pertaining to computers and other application of technology, there are not enough women being included in the advertisements and that more advertisements need to be geared towards women. 

            The study mentions a point in history in advertising that may explain women’s positions in certain occupations. Years ago when the telephone was invented in the home it began to be marketed as a technological application used an object used by women with the authors stating, “A reverse historical parallel can be found in the adoption of the telephone in the home as a “female” technology, a phenomenon which has also been reflected in popular culture and no doubt led to stereotyping about women and their telephone habits” (White et al.). Advertising can be a very powerful force when it comes to how men and women are viewed in certain occupations. Many people look to the media to and see the many different representations of men and women and as a result begin to think that what is placed in advertisements is relatively true to the way men and women act.


There are applications of technology that may lead to different representations of women in the media. The software known as Photoshop has received plenty of criticism for the ways in which many people use it to alter photos of people to look a certain way. In the article, “How Thin is Too Thin: Photoshop Goes Overboard”, author Lauren Howley discusses how many photographers tend to use Photoshop to alter photos in order to make the person look better. She states, “While often designers and magazines will defend these retouched images, arguing that their intention is to merely present the celebrity in the most flattering light, these publications are nonetheless portraying and unrealistic and unattainable standards of beauty” (Howley). The media has begun to display women not as they are and that in turn might give young girls the impression that real women look that way in those retouched photos. No matter how far women have gone their bodies continue to be viewed as more important than their intelligence as well as their accomplishments. 
  Although women may at times be represented in a negative light in the media there is promise when it comes to women in the field known as graphic design. The article entitled, “Are Women Better Graphic Designers than Men”, there is a discussion as to the possibility of women being better graphic designers than due to women being known to be very creative. One of the reasons may be that girls are taught how to match their clothes and apply certain kinds of makeup whereas boys are taught to play outside and roughhouse as well as play sports (George). According to the article, men are not as equipped to be as creative as women when it comes to colors due to women being taught and shown how to color-coordinate. Women are represented as being emotional creatures where men are told from representations in the media that it is unacceptable to show emotion due to the concept of “being a man”. Due to women being represented as emotional the article specifies that due to this quality women are able to advertise a particular product to women (George). When women market their products to other women they have an idea of what women are looking for with a particular product which could very much apply to advertisements marketing computers and other electronics to men in that men and women have different tastes and different ways of looking and identifying the use of a product. 

            One field known as informatics or information technology is a field that is male-dominated with very few women working in the field. The article entitled “Feminist or Merely Critical? In Search of Gender Perspectives in Informatics”, authors Tone Bratteteig and Guri Verne discuss the reasons as to why there are a low number of women in the field of informatics. They state that the reasons may be due to education and the way in which the media presents the field (Bratteteig and Verne 2). The media represents men as being more knowledgeable and better equipped in the field than women and due to lack of representation in the media women might end up not being interested in pursuing the field of informatics. There is no equal representation of men and women in the media because it goes back to men being represented as power figures and women being represented as less capable of certain tasks such as managerial positions. This has led to women being represented in the media as being less likely to be interested in anything remotely related to technology. Simply stating the differences between men and women in terms of their representations in the media can only point to part of the reason that women might not have any interest in the field of informatics. 

Men and women have different representations in the field of technology. Men are represented in occupations that consist of a higher position whereas women are represented in occupations that consist of a more subordinate role. There are applications of technology that can change the way that a person looks in a drastic way by altering their appearance. The field of graphic design is a very good fit for women due to women being represented as being creative with the use of colors over men who are represented as being into sports and being tough. In the field of information technology there is a low number of women that are underrepresented in the field as well as in the media due to a lack of role models in many technological advertisements that are geared towards men. Men and women will at some point have near equal representation in technological fields and be equally respected amongst the use of certain applications of technology.